
All Recipes contained here are to the best of our knowledge in the public domain, if you have proof, that you have the copyright to any one of these recipes, please contact us with the proof and we will credit you for it or remove it from our site.

As recipes sometimes include ingredients which are trademarked, we hope that the owner of the trademark considers our use as free and effective advertising, otherwise please contact us, we will substitute your item with a generic product or remove it.

Most of the pictures and graphics used are our own. Third party pictures and graphics were downloaded from official web sites promoting the specific place or item, from Wikimedia Commons, (please go to their site for license information) and also from official US government sites, which are to our knowledge in the public domain.

If you find a picture or graphic where you own the copyright, please notify us if you want it removed from our web site.

We try to link only to trustworthy web sites, which were at point of publishing checked with our anti virus program, but we do not have any control over their changing content and also their privacy policies. It is up to you if you want to click on any of these links.  

We really tried most recipes again before posting, but:

We will not be responsible for misprints, mistakes in directions, ingredients and quantities, as with every recipe, look at the ingredients and decide if they are to your liking before you start.

Some of the recipes come from old sources, from a time when you burned off the fat and calories without a health club membership, so cook, serve and eat at your own risk.

Some of the recipe are sinfully good – definitely not DIET FOOD!!!

If you found a mistake, please drop us a line at the comment box, Thank You!

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